To eliminate hidden dangers in the area of work safety, the Shandong Provincial Government has recently issued the Chemical Work Safety and Industry Upgrading Action Plan, which involves suspending approvals for new chemical projects and closing 30% of all hazardous chemical plants. Shandong Province is the largest pesticide production and consumption province in China, so the Action Plan will pose greater pressure on the production and supply of pesticides and their by-products.
According to the plan, an increase of production capacity is to be strictly controlled while the approval of new chemical plants will be suspended
A chemical work safety enforcement and industry upgrade program will be carried out in Shandong for a period of five years. In the meantime, from the end of June to the end of December, a potential safety hazard check will be conducted on Shandong’s chemical industry.
Newly-built or extensions of existing hazardous chemical plants, with a fixed asset investment below Yuan 300 million, will not be approved or filed for record, in principle. The Work Safety License for newly-built hazardous chemical plants will all be issued by the Provincial Work Safety Supervision Department, and no more licenses will be issued by delegated institutions.
Over 30% of hazardous chemical plants will be shut down in Linyi City by 2020
From now up to 2022, the city will implement a special program on chemical work safety enforcement and industry upgrades for a period of five years, with the purpose of phasing out non-compliant production enterprises and containing production accidents. The program will aim to reduce the total number of hazardous chemical plants in the city by over 20% by the end of 2018, over 25% by the end of 2019, and over 30% by the end of 2020.
Chemical plants in major urban areas, densely populated areas and sensitive areas of the city are required to be relocated, change their products or be closed. All newly-built chemical plants will be located within chemical industrial parks, with the aim that by 2020, over 60% of hazardous chemical plants will be located within chemical industrial parks, and all chemical production enterprises in key sensitive areas will also be relocated in chemical industrial parks.